I decided to host an Iron Chef type of competition, and do it once a quarter for kicks! (plus we just launched these seasonal Leader Boards at work on the bikes so the philosophy behind it, which includes allowing people to improve over time and get cumulative results, appealed to me). It was a lot of fun and I can't wait for the Summer follow up! I told them they can't let me win next time...!
Here were the rules and details: The Spring '08 ingredient was Egg
What is Iron Chef San Jose?--> An excuse for fellow fans of food to get together and eat!Seriously, though, it is supposed to be a cooking competition similar to the real "Iron Chef" as seen on Food Network--> I'm thinking of doing this once a season
Why Should I Join? Two words: Fame and Glory(I'm thinking about getting winner names on a special apron and/or trophies)
1. Each person brings a dish they have cooked using the "secret" ingredient.
2. If you choose not to bring a dish, please bring a dessert or appetizer of your choosing.
3. Each dish will be labeled (with the name of the dish) upon arrival - you can choose to reveal your name or not, but u eventually will have to at the end
4. Everyone tastes each dish
5. At the end of the tasting, everyone votes
6. Total possible score per dish will be 20. Max 10 for Taste, Max 5 for Originality, Max 5 for Presentation.
7. Pachi will tally the votes for each dish
8. The person who scores the most points overall is the winner for the season, although best of each category will also be revealed
9. In the case of a tie, a cookoff will proceed on a following date
10. Winner will be tallied on a per season basis, although at the end of each year cumulative winners will be announced.
11. Please bring enough in your dish to serve the total number of people coming to the cookoff.
Spring 2008 ICSJ Secret Ingredient: Egg
Here are pictures of the dishes!
Miami Sunrise (crossiant, egg, canadian bacon) : Ed
Imperial Fly Ly (Fan)
Sunflower (Tomato+egg): Tracy
Apple (egg) pie: Ellie
Russian Potato salad (Alex)
Unagi+fish cake Don (Pachi)
I got Crabs (crab+egg) : Ming/Emily
Smooth egg over Shrimp (Jing)