Sunday, September 14, 2008

Iron Chef San Jose (Fall 2008): Pork

Battle Pork. The chefs once again stepped it up. We're actually getting pretty good at this cooking thing, I think! I was thinking to myself while tasting - everything is really good. And it was difficult to identify one clear winner. The points are relective of this, as the top 5 are all within 5 or so points of each other.

The dishes:
Fan Zhang: Gator Bait
Tracy Lin: Porsh
Alex Kuperman: Happy Piggy Curry
Jing Zhang: Circle of Pork
Emily Wu: Chinese Style Pork
Ming Kuo: Miss Piggy
Edrick Wong: Pork Swords
Pachi Chen-Wong: Pulled Pork Sandwich
LuLu Chou: Pork2Pork
Mark Lee: Mini Pork Daggers
Liz Nguyen: What the Con Heo Tart
Seila Kheang: Grilled Pork
Alix Koyama: Pork Tarts

Again, improvements are being made by several chefs. Keep up the good work!
Fall 2008 Overall Winner: Liz Nguyen
Best Taste: Edrick Wong
Most Original: Fan Zhang and Tracy Lin
Best Plating: Tracy Lin and Pachi Chen-Wong